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Writer's pictureDestiny Harris

5 Ways To Celebrate Others Well

Hey Lovelies,

No matter how big or small the accomplishment celebrating other individuals or a team reinforces positive self-image and helps them see themselves as a leader.

A person is not deemed as a leader simply by telling others to follow them or do mundane tasks, a good leader encourages and molds others into becoming leaders themselves.

Everyone has the potential to become a great leader sometimes without even saying a word.

When I reflect on the time leading up to becoming the recipient of the 2022 Servant Leader Award for Public Allie's, I always made sure to celebrate the achievements of my team.

When one person on your team wins we all collectively win. So hear are five ways to celebrate others well!

1. Genuine Appreciation

You have to allow others to step in the spotlight. Show them that you truly are happy for their success and hard work. This can look different for everyone from writing thank you cards to praising them in the presence of others to offering to pay it forward in anyway possible. Acknowledge what they have done well and show them that they have your support.

2. Active Listening

When they share their accomplishments with you remember to be present and share their joys. You're not in competition with each other. Listen as a means to understand not to respond. Let them have their moment of victory. Allow their success to motivate you instead of discourage you. Cheer them on when they reach a milestone.

3. Express Love

In the Bible it is stated that, “Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭20‬ ‭NIV‬‬. When we love and encourage others rather than allowing hate and jealousy to take over only then can we grow closer to God. When you love others the way God loves us the encouragement will follow.

4. Prayer

Concentrate on praying for other's success as you would for yourself. There is power in prayer and being intentional with how you show up for others. Prayer gives me a piece of mind and a stronger connection to God. Celebrate others as you pray ask for God to grant them success in their journey. Continue to pray for their guidance going forward.

5. Encourage Them

Sometimes you have to encourage others and speak victory over their lives before it comes to fruition. Tell them what you see in them that makes them so special. Empower them to be the leader they always had the ability to be. Oftentimes we may see something in others that they don't see in themselves. It takes that encouragement and support to give them the confidence they need to be a leader. There is power in positive reinforcement.

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the United States

Looking for more leadership tools? Download the Crown Your Leadership Resource Guide on my website!

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